Dating out of my league

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My current lifestyle came about due to issues with my Father being overprotective with me and treating me like a kid. She teaches music at a private school, is proficient at every musical instrument she touches, speaks at least two foreign languages that I know of, is extremely intelligent, and seems to have a great sense of humor. Ditch the league Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License This is the last si we have to say on the matter: just forget about the league. I have several very attractive female friends that are very discriminate and will hold out until they get what they want. These might not happen when you are 19 and 23 but try to actually keep a u with no job, no car, no money and nights in watching netflix and eating top ramen when you start to grow older. Furthermore, I am aware of the underworld of sex tourism in Colombia and I know that there are many strip clubs and brothels in Nagasaki; however, strippers and prostitutes are not the types of girls that I date, nor is it something I would like to promote, therefore, I will not be referring to that in this post.

Christina is very attractive girl with a lot of experience in the dating world. She is here to share her knowledge to help men who struggle approaching good looking girls. Think a girl is out of your league? Think again… So you think certain girls are out of your league? Or do you just think you could never have a chance with a girl who looks that good? No girl is out of your league. And both of you can lose out that way. A real man goes after what he wants, and I like that. And so do a lot of women I know. Either way, finding out is better than wondering what if. So put on your big boy boxers or briefs and go up to her already. If you find yourself attracted to a woman, and she glances at you, chances are she is attracted to you too and wants you to approach her. How do men miss this signal?! We flash it as obviously as we can. But most of the times, he stays put. Just one simple word. It opens the door for communication. Even though things have changed when it comes to dating, thanks to technology not , most women prefer the traditional route. She gives you a fake number? Tells you she has a boyfriend? Politely declines your advance? And even more have insecurities of their own. So either way, your approach will be flattering and endearing. If you see a girl you want, approach her. Life is short, just go for it. WTH, if women think that little of me as a guy to begin with, why should I bother approaching? Why do you feel women think that little of you, or men in general? Not all women believe that or think that way about men. Christina It is a tough thing to deal with Alex. There are two separate issue there. Being self conscious and being too nervous to express how you feel to a beautiful girl. Two things that most men deal with their entire lives. I pose the question to you? What is the alternative of not ever asking her — there is only one outcome. While asking her leaves you two outcomes. Though one outcome is rejection, without the chance of rejection you will never succeed. And you will find, the more you get rejected — the easier it becomes to push through it. All guys get rejected. I do all the time. And I never used to talk to girls because of my nerves. But through experience and study, I am 100% certain that the best way to deal with girls, is to bee 100% genuine and honest. If you you want to bang her, tell her you want to bang her. A book you might find interesting is , by Alan Rodger Cure. You can let them hold you back, or you can thrive regardless. There are men in wheelchairs and disfigurements who are experts at meeting women, and some do it for a living. Being comfortable in your own skin is attractive, regardless of what you look like — that kind of person will always attract someone. Hope you found this useful. I honestly dont feel negative about this article and can openly say its brightened up my horizons as a man because talking to girls was all easy growing up in our teens where everyone was vulnerable and nobody felt so vulnerable, experience was the number one priority when it came to relationships. I guess Its not the same when you grow up because girls grow out of their experimental phase quicker than boys do and men are still looking to experience that young active romance with women but find it hard to begin with a simple hello. THANKS CHRISTINA for the eye opener. I once went up to talk to a woman because I thought I was breaking some sort of rule. She was so pretty and popular that I assumed that there was a taboo against me even making my existence known to her. Much to my surprise, we ended up becoming friends and I eventually became comfortable around her. We shared a lot of real, genuine communication. After a few years of this, she broke off our friendship. I spent a couple of months trying to figure out what I had done. What she had to tell me when we met up for coffee just about made my head explode. It turns out that what made her cut things off was me getting engaged to a woman I figured was in my league. She had been waiting for me to make the move to be more than friends and then all of a sudden I was announcing that I was off the market for good. What will never be still seems like it somehow breaks some unwritten Rule of The Universe. It just goes to show, you never know. A hot woman has the pick of the litter. Why is the norm tall good looking women with hot women? Because the hot woman can date that and chooses too…Why would she date below her league? I have several very attractive female friends that are very discriminate and will hold out until they get what they want. Do I have a chance with any of these women? A guy like me does not appeal to beautiful women. Your thinking is so wrong Kevin. Of course looks matter, initially. But you know what these guys did. They beat out the best looking guys, over and over. Confidence is what is most attractive. If a short bald guy acts the same way, he too builds attraction. Looks are only an added plus that are 100% not necessary. The mindset you have now is what is holding you back with women most. I have a good decent job, take care of myself but do not really care about fashion, or what is the latest trend. I blow more money on simple things to please myself instead of worrying about my social status. So I recently met this beautiful looking woman on a dating website. I knew she was out of my league but I decided to send a message saying hi because she had a photo in her profile that was taken at a National Park I visit very often. So she replied back and for the last four days we been texting each other. She enjoys nature just like I do, but I was looking at some of her pics and she is always wearing very elegant dresses and going to clubs and partying. I think she looks beautiful in those dresses but the partying and clubbing is not part of my life style. I really like this woman but I feel I will have to make some changes such as going clubbing or partying and that is not me. There you have it. So I went out on a date with the girl I met on a dating website. She showed up a few minutes before me and waited outside the restaurant. She turned out to be as pretty as she looked in her photos but she was very humble, down to earth and open. What I thought would be a two hour date turned out to be a five hours date and she kept saying that we should try other restaurants. So the horizon looks good for more datesShe was so much fun and she opened up about very intimate things about her life. The date came to an end at 11 pm because the restaurant had to close. We both we back to out homes. I will take it easy with no expectations and see where it leads. Off to work for the next 12 hrs. In my country, every guy who aren´t athletic or handsome has great difficulties to find a atractive girl that would like him in the way he are. A while a go that i guesses that is for my looks because i´m not shy and i go after to pick up the girl that i find atractive. But the answeres are always negative, they say that have boyfriend or any excuse that find their mouths. It´s very sad, what can i do? The problem was neither relationship lasted more then two months because the entire time I still doubted that they wanted to be in a relationship and thought they were just showing pity. When there are significant gaps in the physical gaps between partners, it causes a lot of problems. Sure, the ugly guy won at the end, BUT ALL the problems were presented in that scenario. As someone mentioned before, a hot girl literally can get any guy she wants. ANY GUY SHE WANTS. Even guys with girlfriends sometimes. I even read a statistical basis on this too, that marriages between similarly attractive partners last longer. I think so because: 1 I do not want to deal with everyone constantly raising eyebrows at us and making insulting assumptions about why we are together. This already happens all the time when I am just hanging out with an attractive female friend in public. I would imagine it would put a strain on her too. This ties in with 1 everyone telling her that she can do better and 3 having a permanent long line of men chasing her. For me, the above points are sufficient to automatically reject everyone significantly more attractive than I am, and out of my league. I realize this is an old post, but guys, you must know that you should never take relationship advice from a woman. Women enjoy humiliating and rejecting men, and this article is just leading you into their trap. Do you want to be maced, slapped, yelled at, or accused of rape? Women will not hesitate to do all of these things to you. Look at it logically; the costs of dating and marriage greatly outweigh the benefits. Many guys find it easier to approach a girl who is less confident, less intelligent, and less attractive to others, especially those who are insecure and less attractive. When a guy says a girl is out of his league, then that means he could be abusive. Chances are, men always have to deal with competition. Blame Stacy London and Louise Roe for that stuff. When you see stuff like that it makes you think twice about approaching women. Why does this article give off this aura of pretentiousness? Why would you give someone power over a decision you seem to care about? Does money grow on trees? How many years of not being approached will alter your mindset? If you were rejected for all your life would you expect to be accepted tomorrow? If you go to a convertible dealership to buy a SUV; would you blame the sales person who sold you the SUV instead of telling you the convertible dealership was around the corner? Who has a gun to your head forcing you to sit and wait for what you want? Takes the fun and motivation out of looking for the next girl to snub you off. No woman has ever shown or reciprocated interest in me — not even once. People tell me I have so much to say and so much to offer, and that I just need to be more confident. I am neither of those things. A lot of the guys contacting me or asking me out in real life are simply wasting their time. There are plenty of guys the male version of me, as in fit good looking happy and charming asking me out. There are also a LOT of guys way to old, older above my specified age on profile out of shape, plain looking, quite unattractive asking me out as well. Now I also have friends, who are models way hotter than me and friends who less attractive than average, are average and or plain. The hot ones know it and they play it. The lesser ones are completely ignored. These women are LOVELY real sweet hearts, charming and fun. Guys who would have success with them, ignore them and chat up me or the models! I meet plenty of great looking guys, also kind charming, decent and funny. So unless the lesser attractive guys are genuinely deluded why bother. My lesser attractive girl friends have happy relationships with lesser attractive guys. Too find a women with a good heart and see that beauty in her and she will see the beauty in you. He did as I told him, he met a girl. She has a pretty face but a bigger body shape and is overweight. Attraction to the guy is important. Yes there are leagues, if your going for romance. She clicked, than put her hair behind her ear. She came and hung at my place. I came and saw her on monday. Everyone in the high school knows that i like her now. My social life is ruined. She is so pretty and I. I am ugly as hell. I would kill myself for her. Please help Christina Hart Christina The only sign I get is that she waves to me. But she waves to everyone. My heart stops when I see her. She doesnt know that. If we were held captive, one of us lived but one of us died. I just want to make her happy. But what about for those of us whom no woman is ever interested in? For guys like me for whom rejection is guaranteed every time, the best this is just to stay out of sight and to never say anything. Thanks a lot — and I thought you were trying to be helpful. I hate women now because I have been intelligent several degrees , funny, caring , no romantic problems, and not bad looking, but all i got was fat , ugly women who eventually rejected me anyway, for some flaw or other, women have got it made and that sucks crap. I look 7 years younger than I am so I put that in my profile and I still only get ugly old fat hags to respond if at all. So what do I have to be to get what I want? Women have all the choices, now I read where they are five time more likely to date someone five years younger than older than they are. So right now I have given up. What kind of garbage IS that? You think its strong and wonderful to be alone? I have contacted THOUSANDS of women online and met ONE which rejected me in 10 minutes. WTF is going on??? Oh yeah, one night I was out and a 400 pound guy was with a prettier chick than I have dated. The floor literally shook when he walked. We live in a world where an unwanted advance could get a man fired, jailed, or permanently labeled as a sexual deviant. No sane man is going to put that much on the line for a chance at a date. Get a feel for if she seems to like you. And to refute any arguments to what I wrote: First issue — she might be underage. Well as long as you were a gentleman about the situation, then you still committed no crime Second issue — Getting fired is a possibility if you did something while on the clock. But, I have to say it sounds inane on several levels. This article really got me thinking about how online dating may give guys who approach women in person for dates an edge in the game these days. So when it does, she sees a man who is now bucking the trend, going old school and showing he has some guts. I am starting to look at it like this: Online dating is getting so popular, women are not getting asked out much at all. But, many great women may still want to be. If you can do that, if you can actually say her name so she can HEAR IT, and look into her eyes so she can SEE YOURS, that creates a true physical and emotional connection. Right off the bat, just by doing that you are 100X better off than having just found a match on Tinder or reply to a OKCupid message. Since some of us are guaranteed outright rejection by every woman every time, there is no point in asking any woman out in the first place. Guys — never take relationship advice from a woman. They do not know what they want. But they do enjoy feeding their egos by harshly rejecting men. This advice leads you right into that trap. Women today are toxic and dangerous. One false accusation could ruin your life. Treat them like you would a poisonous snake, coiled and ready to strike. Whats the worst that could happen? You could give us hope. Hope that love might actually exist. Hope that some part of those Disney moves might be true. Hope that one day we could know happiness or joy. Hope destroyed is worse than never asking and never hoping. Love is dead and gone forever from the world. Guys, one of the biggest problems i see while reading these comments are that nobody seems to understand, you have to be able to somewhat read body language and signals. I always make a mental check list if i see a women i like and want to approach them, this will increase your chances dramatically. When you observe that most of these things have been checked, then go for it and more so then not, you will get their number and they will genuinely be interested! I was never good at approaching girls at a young age but after i joined and got out of the military, it became so easy! Try to make eye contact, if she looks at you more than a couple of times, CHECK. Then smile at her and see if she smiles back, CHECK. What is she doing while she is looking at you and smiling? Is she playing with her hair? Does she start to giggle if shes with friends? All these things start to build a mental picture and tell you if she is interested or not. Practice at home in the mirror on your opening, keep it simple. The opening part is out of the way, now ask her if she comes here often and if you guys click then the rest is history. Making well informed choices when trying to talk to a women will net you more positive results and in return build your confidence. I do not agree that you should just go up to every women you think is attractive and leave it to fate! Too many rejections could be detrimental to your confidence. Learn some of these basic queues. I like to meet women organically, meaning the old fashioned way, a good way to practice is to use one of these dating websites as a tool. This will help you to start your confidence building foundation. My confidence has ruined many opportunities in the past, until i started changing how i think about myself, this takes great inner reflection and is not easy. You have to tell yourself to just be you! Not the other way around. I hope this helps someone. Just remember, be yourself, love yourself, and make the effort to build your confidence and improve yourself. Negativity will ruin you, think positive and positive things will happen! Then put some time and effort into a little research. Menprovement is a place for men who won't settle for anything than the best. Men who are free to design their life the way they want it, not the way it was handed to them. Men who believe that life of fun, adventure and freedom is within their reach, no matter the present circumstances. Men who do their best to act from a place of honesty, authenticity, and integrity at all times. We are a resource for YOU. A confident action-taker who is ready to do what it takes to live the live of his dream and reach his fullest potential. Menprovement - Building Better Men.

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